
Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekend Monsters

As most of you know, during the week there are schedules to keep up with and the significant other only shows up at dinner for most of us. Well the weekend is way more than just getting the job done. It's a whole other monster that needs coordinating with friends, family members and making sure the kids eat lunch while they are busy doing other things. If the kids don't eat lunch at a decent time then they end up hungry at like 2 or 3pm and that throws off dinner for those of us that ate at a "normal" time.

So in a way, weekends are like summer vacation. Either they are jammed packed full of activities or they are lazy days where zero gets done and the days disappear. And while there is no school, there is greater pressure on me as mom to make sure everything gets accomplished and nothing gets eaten by the time monster.

This year is about living life to the fullest and making the most out of the 353 days we have left. I'm planning adventures and experiences along with watching the budget. In order for the year of creativity to work, I must slay the weekend monsters that threaten to make the days boring, mundane and unproductive. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times that people need to relax and just veg. But television and video are sucking the life out of, well, life.

Look out weekend monsters. I'm not letting laziness and lack of planning feed your mission to destroy the peace I am slowly gaining with my family and in my home. I will not be beaten. You might think about waiving the white flag.

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