
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I've Got a New Attitude

Excitement, fear, terror, anticipation, panic. Yep, I've got all those at once. As I sit here just a few days before the dawn of a new year I worry that I will crash and burn just as I have before. After all, I've been "trying to lose weight" for seven years. Wow, it's really been that long. I worry that I will continue to talk about my dreams rather than taking action or that if it gets to hard then I will abandon all hope and just quit. Again, true story.

And then I realized something. While I may not be exactly where I want to be at the end of 2014, I am way better off than where I was at the end of 2013. My marriage is growing stronger, my relationships with my kids are better, my overall mindset is much more positive and our money situation is controllable. Oh and I've made peace with the fact that I don't have to bring money in to help my family. I am most helpful to my family when I keep control of the money my husband brings in, provide them with clean laundry, teach the kids basic living skills, cook meals and help bring us all together by planning family activities and events. I wish with all my heart that I had discovered the joy in those things many years ago. That is when the sadness takes over. Knowing that our life has been spent with too many unhappy years breaks my heart.

I go forward into 2015 laying the sadness down and picking up the joy that each moment forward is one to embrace and be thankful for. I am thankful for the many blessings of 2014 and I open my arms to receive the amazing experience that is yet to come.

I will take each day as the gift it is and take action to create the life that is waiting for all of us. You see, I've known all along that dreams without action are just wishful thinking. The problem is that it has always been easier to just let things happen instead of making them happen. I can do just enough to get by or I can take the bull by the horns and ride that sucker until we've covered every inch of excitement there is to be had.

What do you say? You ready to give up just existing and start living?

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