
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wellness Wednesday-starting from scratch

For the next week I will follow a few guidelines and see how the weight just falls off. :) Ok sure, that might work. First you should know that up until now my exercise is hit and miss. As in hit 1 day and miss the next 20. So my exercise vow this week is to move more. I will do squats, sit ups, crunches, push ups or light weight training exercises at least 10 minutes per day. If I can do more then I will. But the goal is 10 minutes EVERY DAY.

Now for the eating changes. I am an official junk food junkie. I love cakes, candy bars, anything sweet. I also love carbs. I mean Loooooove carbs. I would much rather have a stack of pancakes for breakfast than eggs or bacon.

So this week I am eliminating fast food (which is pretty simple because we've already blown our restaurant budget through the 15th). I plan on drinking a minimum of 32oz. of water per day. It doesn't sound like a lot, but for me it's progress. I will limit it to no more than 20oz of Coke/sodas per day. I drank an entire 2 liter just a few days ago so this is serious progress for me. As for how much I eat, I plan on keeping busy with work and household chores so that I don't end up snacking in front of the tv. I will also aim to eat no later than 6PM every night.

I've lost 2lbs. in two weeks but I'm hoping the changes I'm making this week will give me a boost. What are you doing for your health?

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