
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Eliminating Sodas and Junk Food

Wellness Wednesday

I've begun weeding Coke, Mountain Dew and other sodas out of my life. If you knew me you would know that this is a huge step. Drinking caffeine has kept me awake on a regular basis. When I hit day three, four and five I thought my head would explode. But that never happeneed. I did have to pop some over the counter pain pills to ease the caffieine withdrawal. Now I'm just drinking a couple of cups of coffee every few days. One good reason to eliminate Coca-Cola and other sodas is the chemicals in them are really not safe. Just google uses for Coca-Cola and you will notice that the military uses it to clean the deck of their ships. If you put a tooth in a glass of Coke it will dissintegrate over hours! Is this stuff what you want in your body? I know it tastes good, but there are lots of foods that taste good that have no 'real' food in them.
Which leads me to the subject of junk food. I will say again that I am a true junk food addict. So this week I am going to  strive to stop eating too many processed foods. I will attempt to go at least three days without processed foods.

On a side note: I have an amazing project that is going to launch soon so keep reading to hear more about it.

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