It's been a while since I've written for this site but I thought it would be a good time to check in and start over. When I started this blog a few years ago my goals were:
Annual goals: Deadline December 21, 2010
Home: new house
Spiritual: a sense of peace and spiritual understanding
Financial: debt free except for one car and home
Health: lose 50 lbs. eat only foods that are good for me
Marriage: renewed relationship with my husband
Children: better relationship with kids, they are more responsible and treat each other better
Career: having released 6 books, earning $4000 per month
I have checked off a few of those. We have a new house. We have only one car payment and about half of our debt is paid down. More would be gone but we have been detoured with braces and surgery bills. So all in all we are doing pretty awesome in that department.
My spiritual life is still a work in progress. My weight is still here. My marriage is quite a bit better than it was and we're still working on it. My children get along better and I am learning to adjust from the little years to the teen and pre-teen years. It's weird to transition from conversations with a teen to a 6 year old so that's something new.
The career thing has it's ups and downs. I currently have six books out in varying genres but I'm not quite pulling in that $4000 a month.
I tell you all of this to tell you that it's okay to fall down. It's okay to fail. The key is to get back up, dust yourself off and move forward. That's what this blog is for.
New goals for September 2013-September 2014:
Home: refinished inside and landscaping outside (while very livable upstairs the house needs paint and new carpet or hardwood to replace the 30+ year old carpet, the basement needs to bed finished off)
Spiritual: continue searching for a spiritual connection
Financial: press towards being debt free so that we can have the freedom to vacation and do more as a family
Health: better health and 50-60 lbs smaller
Marriage: to get back my best friend
Children: teaching them to be productive citizens while showing them unconditional love
Career: publish 6-12 books and begin earning $4000-$8000 a month
I will confess that I am much more productive than I was a few years ago. I don't let the cleaning go forever and I am able to make decent meals most of the time. Some days get away from me but learning what I was doing with my time and how much I was letting go really hit me hard. I must confess that I feel guilty about the way life was when my kids were smaller. They are still small but the oldest is almost 15 and I feel as if I have soooo screwed her up because of my depression and the constant chaos during the first half of her life. My goal this year is to truly reconnect with her and to forgive myself of the guilt that sometimes threatens to overwhelm me.
What are your goals?
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