
Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days of Purposeful Living

There's only ninety some odd days left in the year and my schedule is crazier than ever. For some reason the busier things become the more I cling to searching Facebook or vegging out in front of the television. So today I'm starting purposeful living. I can still do fun stuff, but I set a timer and once it goes off I have to move on to the next thing.

No more making the to-do list and then not acting on it. Come on, I know there are others out there that love to make lists that disappear into no-man's land or worse into "I'll just do it tomorrow". I'm raising both hands at this point. :)

Today's list includes:

  •  washing my sheets and the clothes needed for tomorrow and this weekend (plenty of kids' activities going on)
  • work (ghostwriting)
  • sew stuff on kids uniforms
  • take cat to vet (not looking forward to this)
  • working on website for charity 5k run (30 min)
  • drink minimum of 4 (8oz) glasses of water
  • 30 min exercise