What did you do today? What have you done this week? I want you to stop for a minute and think about your priorities. Now take a look at how your average week is planned out. Do those activities show the outside world what you hold as your highest priorities?
I'll confess that I have often said that my family is very important to me and yet I don't spend enough time with them or I am short-tempered. I have to consciously put aside the smartphone or stop working (I work from home) and make eye-contact in order to pay attention to what they are trying to tell me. Sadly though, there are times when I don't put away the devices or turn away from the computer. What does this mean?
I understand that people have to work to earn a living to support their children. All of the stories and play time isn't worth much if the kids are starving or you are about to lose your home. I get that. But of the time that is not spent working or if you are a stay-at-home mom there are times when you aren't cooking or cleaning (yes I know that it seems like there is always something to clean); how much of your "free" time is spent in front of the television or on Facebook or even on Candy Crush?
I'm not asking you to feel guilty about some "me" time stolen throughout the day. I'm asking you to stop and look at where your time is spent. You'll be surprised at where some of that 24 hours disappears to. And to the outside person looking in on your life? They would probably label your priorities differently than you would.
Instead of whining about how your children behave or about your dysfunctional relationships with your family, consider what activities you have done lately to fix/mend the problem. To quote a favorite line from the movie We are the Titans " The team's attitude reflects leadership." Your family is your team. They follow YOUR lead. Are you leading? Or are you simply letting things fall where they may?
Change Your Attitude, Take Action, Change Your Life--Stop Trying to Find Yourself;Take Action to Become the Woman You Want to Be
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Is the Idea of Contentment Killing Your Happiness?
If you've heard it once then you've heard it a million-gazillion times (yes gazillion is a number); you should be CONTENT with what you have because there are people in the world (or in your city/town, your neighborhood, heck-even your very own family) who have a worse life than you do. Yes, apparently we should all be CONTENT with our lives because someone else got a bum rap or because someone else made sucky choices. I've got a question for you. WHY? Why do you have to have a life that doesn't make you happy because SOMEONE ELSE isn't happy?
If you are unhappy or simply "content" to stay where you are then that makes their life better? Should you decide not to have children because someone you know is having a hard time getting pregnant? Should you not go for that promotion because it means more money than anyone in your family has ever earned in their life?
Do you see where I'm going with this? Okay maybe you don't see being content as settling. Maybe you see it as being happy with what you have. That's a great sentiment. IF you are truly happy. And before you start yelling at me, I realize that we should be grateful for what we have and who we have in our lives. After all, not everyone has a roof over their head, a job and people that love them. I get that. This isn't about being ungrateful.
What I want to know is are you so obsessed with being thankful for the life you have that you haven't stopped to think about what would truly make you happy in life? Would you be happier as a stay-at-home mom? Would you be happier to travel the world? Would you be happier alone? Okay maybe the last one is iffy. This is the MOMMY makeover challenge so being alone isn't really an option. But maybe you want different relationships with your husband/significant other or even different relationships with your kid(s).
While what you're going through may not be something easy to fix (infants require dirty diaper changes at least once a day cause things can get seriously messy otherwise and toddlers can't be left to make their own dinner) but there is a difference between accepting the season that you are in and sacrificing happiness. You don't have to be the raving lunatic of a mother. You don't have to be the fat mom or the yoga pants mom. You don't have to STAY the working or stay-at-home mom.
Start thinking about what would make you truly happy. Are there steps you can take to wind your way to that path? Now like I said over here you can't just run away. But do you know the greatest gift you can give your kids is a happy mom?
Having contentment with your life is often a way to bring peace to yourself. I believe (from personal experience) that you can be thankful for the amazing blessings and gifts that are in your life while still being uncomfortable enough to make the changes necessary. That's what the Mommy Makeover Challenge is all about. Love the life you have and the people that are in it, but get out there and change all of the crappy stuff that makes you miserable. Are you ready to kick contentment across the curb and out of the neighborhood? Stop choking your potential for happiness and get ready for exciting changes.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Prepping for Awesomtasticly Amazing Change: Eat, Pray, Love: The Mommy Version
Eat, Pray, Love
This story is the essential “needing to find myself” answer.
A woman takes off on a year-long journey through Italy and India in order to
reconnect with her spirit and discover what is missing in her life. Her journey
is interesting and enlightened. The thing is that as mothers with children at
home, disappearing for a year is completely unrealistic in any form. (Unless, of course, you are a completely self-centered dumba** And if that's the case then I'm not sure why you're still reading) The good
news is that we don’t have to go anywhere to connect to our spirits and our
loved ones.
The Mommy
This is the moment in a woman’s life in which she wakes up
one day and realizes that a week went by and she only remembers cooking,
cleaning and laundry. When someone asks her name she refers to herself as
someone’s mother or someone’s wife. She no longer seems to have an identity of
her own. This doesn’t mean that being a mom or a wife is a bad thing. The
problem is that instead of enjoying the moments of each day you often find
yourself wondering around in a fog; cleaning up after your children and doing
for them but not teaching them. Somewhere along the way, people told us that it
is our job to take care of our children’s needs but forgot to remind us that
our job is also to train our children to be productive adults. We need to
instruct them on basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning and laundry. We
also need to teach them about honest work, integrity, responsibility,
compassion, helping others, managing their finances and how to treat their
family. You are not just a caretaker and you should look at every day as an
adventure, not just one more day to get through without major injury.
What can you teach your children today? Do they make their
beds or help load the dishwasher? How many different leaves can they find in
the backyard? Do they know how to use a knife and fork or mix up a cake batter?
It’s not about
finding anything (other than the fact that no one and nothing can MAKE you happy-it's a decision-but more on that later) , it’s about creating the woman we want to be. Stop
trying to figure out how to get back to that passionate individual you were at
18 or 20 years of age. Know what? That ship has sailed and be honest, as “free”
as you felt back then, you were an idiot. Acknowledge it and quit romanticizing
about what might have been. It is time to honestly evaluate what type of woman
you desire to be and figure out what it takes to get there. If you have to
“fake it till you make it” then so be it. As a matter of fact, this is often
the best way to become that person.
- · Do you want to be more responsible with money? Start keeping track of where your money goes. Work out a budget. Learn about investing.
- · Do you want to lose weight or simply be healthier? Learn about proper exercise and nutrition techniques. Take action on the knowledge.
- · Maybe you want to be more compassionate, reliable, charitable.
- · Do your actions match up with your moral beliefs? Do you know what your moral beliefs are?
Life doesn’t happen
to us, we decide how life will go. Your life is not the way it is by
accident. Each and every decision you made in the past, no matter how
insignificant it may have seemed at the time, is what got you where you are
today. So quit whining about how awful things are with your finances, your
children, your husband, or your career. You got here by choices you made and
you can change those same circumstances by the choices you make from this point
Certainly the
attitudes of your husband and children have something to do with the turn that
your life takes. How you react to those attitudes will forage the path through
the woods and into the clearing that is awaiting you as your peaceful
sanctuary. If Sally or Johnny are having a temper tantrum, you falling apart by
yelling or crying will only escalate the situation. The way that you start your day will affect
your entire daily living. I am not a morning person but my day must always
start before the rest of the household. Without my time to meditate, exercise,
shower and dress for the day I am rather cranky. Even on weekends I try to make
it up before everyone else if to do nothing more than to grab a cup of coffee
and read in silence. Even if you can rise 15 minutes before everyone else, it
can help set your day on the right foot. Get dressed, drink some juice or
coffee, do a few stretches, or simply check your to do list for the day.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
What Kind of Mommy Pit are You In?
If you're not quite sure what I'm talking about then stop for a moment and look around at your life. Are you stuck, overwhelmed, lonely, existing but not living or worse yet, living in the past filled with shame and regret? The walls are closing in around you and everywhere you touch there is no grace or cushion to aide your daily grind/despair.
You're in a pit that is filled with:
by Beth Moore. (Yes it's an affiliate link.)
You're in a pit that is filled with:
- unrealized dreams
- overwhelm with the constant 24/7 care of the little ones
- a chaotic home
- financial debt/stress
- a strained marriage
- health problems and/or extra weight
- low self esteem
Did I miss anything? Ok here's the cool thing; a pit doesn't have a top. Yep, that's right. You can crawl out anytime your ready to tell God/Allah/the Universe that you're done trying to dig yourself out. Because digging yourself out actually just makes the pit deeper and darker. You have to reach out for spiritual guidance and strength to be able to get out of the pit.
We have to stop complaining about the problems and concentrate on solutions. Taking 10 minutes a day to find a quiet moment and connect to your spirit (pray/meditate) will help you see the way through this time in your life and how to make it better.
Before we explode at our kids because everyone is talking at once or they just spilled the last of the milk, let's take a deep breath, hold it for 3 seconds and then let it go. Am I perfect at this? Um, no. As a matter-of-fact I have had more yelling moments than I care to admit. However, the more often I try to take a step back and look at it from an outsiders perspective the more I realized that I lose my temper much easier with my own kids than with someone else's. So why am I screaming at my own kids whom I love so much more than the kid down the street? Accountability. There, I said it. If I scream at a neighbor's kid then they are going to go home and tell their parents.
Unfortunately I forgot the accountability to my own kids in the heat of the moment. Guess what? My heart sees. God sees. One of my own pits has been accepting that I wasn't so patient when all of mine were very little. But I've asked for forgiveness and living in the past cannot change the future. It only keeps us chained down and wallowing in the mud from our tears.
I have realized that my past choices are the reason that I am in this time and place in my life. While I am in a much better place than just three short years ago, my self esteem and relationships with my husband and kids are not where I want them to be. I've been trying to get out of the pit all by myself. Not working.
Maybe you're where you are because of someone else's actions. Your husband, your parents, your ex, your boss, someone else pushed you into this pit.
Or maybe you slipped in on accident. This is what I think happens to most of us. We're doing great then suddenly the mommy thing hits you with something crazy and you just slide right in.
Then there are other times we jump in with both feet. Yeah like when we say we're committed to getting healthy and we still eat that THIRD piece of chocolate cake.
Let me share something awesome. (Everything is awesome!--yes I just had to add the Lego movie song)
We don't have to stay in the pit any more. All we have to do is reach up and embrace the spiritual peace that is waiting.
I didn't come up with this theory all by myself. I'm reading
Get Out of That Pit
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