It's a new year and I'm ready for some new goals. My #1 goal is to blog everyday. That's right, everyday. I have found out over the last few years that the best way to accomplish a goal is to remind yourself what those goals are on a daily basis. Hence the daily blog. I will forewarn you that a daily blog means that not every post will be some spiritual serious long-winded enlightened lightbulb moment. Sometimes it will simply be an acknowledgement that there are days that suck. Because we all know that there are days where nothing goes according to plan and we end up looking/feeling like we've been caught in a blender on high speed and splattered against the wall when someone opens the lid.
Now onto more specific goals for the year:
Home:Finish all home renovation projects while getting/keeping home organized and clean
How to: I have a list of what needs to be accomplished. Each pay period I will take a set amount to accomplish at least ONE item on the list. Some times it's a simple new doorknob while other times it's new flooring for the basement. As for clean and organized, I am spending all of January decluttering and organizing my home as well as creating routines to keep it clean and to deep clean once a month.
Spiritual: Continue to search out a deeper connection to spirit and RELEASE MY FEAR of not being enough, not being able to accomplish enough and not being able to show my children the people they should be
How to: Spend 20 minutes a day meditating/reading spiritual books
Financial: Debt free
How to: Cut grocery budget and restaurant meals and use this money to pay on debt.
Health: Lose 50 lbs. by becoming a stronger, healthier me
How to: Start working the eating and exercise program that worked for me years ago. Each month I will make small but reasonable changes in my eating and exercise patterns.
Marriage: Continue working on our marriage (we're getting closer but would love to reach the next level)
How to: Read marriage books and apply their principles. Schedule monthly date nights.
Children: Spend more time as a family and teach them a spirit of kindness, compassion AND responsibility and striving for excellence
How to: Help kids to follow house rules (which were posted this month), spend more time together as a family (game night, movie night, family activity once a month, have them help with home renovations), have them do one act of kindness a month/week/day.
Career: This is multi-faceted--embrace my role as homemaker fully, continue writing to establish a complete series, start a hot dog cart to work towards a family business(hubby and I will work this together).
How to: Do all of my homemaking duties first. Designate time daily to write. Spend a certain amount of time working on business plan and fundraising efforts for hot dog cart. Launch hot dog cart by March/April.
***Keep everything in balance. I must take care of my health in order to take care of my home and my family. Spending even a small amount of time a day on each goal will get me to the end game.
** Family vacation--I will have to bring in extra money in order to pay for this. Money avenues will include the hot dog cart, selling stuff I declutter on Craigslist or yard sale, making clothes and other things from my fabric stash and selling online.
What are your goals this year? Do you have an action plan? Without a plan you don't have goals, you have wishes or dreams. Dreams are great but where will you be at the end of the year?